UA 2-1-2 Pound Papers: Board of Regents Correspondence, May-August 1933
Id Number Box Number Folder Title Folder Number Correspondents Content Description: Names and Subjects: Related Collections Date Range
1 1 Pound Papers-Board of Regents Correspondence, May-Aug. 1933 1 Jere Madison Pound, and primarily Erle Cocke, Secretary-Treasurer of BOR; also Hughes Spalding, Chairman of BOR; J.R. Dusenbury, financial officer for GSWC; and Robert & Company, building contractors for the University System. Correspondence centers primarily around finances and budget information, mileage, travel vouchers, etc. Pound notes that the College has a strong need for an "adequate auditorium or chapel" and proposes an addition to West Hall. Pound writes Cocke about the possibility of using federal public works funds to do this project. The BOR notifies all University System presidents that representatives from Robert & Company will come and inspect their campuses for repairs. Pound also writes that the chemistry department is in dire need of supplies, and Cocke notifies him that supplies would be sent from the defunct ninth district A & M school. Jere Madison Pound, Erle Cocke, Hughes Spalding, Robert & Company VSU History, Newspaper Clippings File, Bulletins, Faculty Minutes, Pine Branch, Campus Glimpses, Pine Cone, Campus Canopy, Richard Holmes Powell, Frank Robertson Reade May-August 1933